With one week to go until Road User Charging Conference 2021, CiTTi meets speaker Darius Ražinskas, director of intelligent transport systems and road charging department of the Lithuanian Road Administration, who will discuss tolling in Lithuania, its future plans for 2023 and beyond.
Taking place on 07-08 September at the Steigenberger Wiltcher’s, Brussels, Road User Charging Conference 2021 provides the latest insight, case studies and debate on current trends and future challenges that affect senior decision makers who have responsibility for intelligent transportation systems and road pricing.
This two-day gathering of leading practitioners welcomes delegates from around the world and across sectors to encourage active discussion and peer-to-peer learning.

Name: Darius Ražinskas
Job role: Director of intelligent transport systems and road charging department
Organisation: Lithuanian Road Administration
What is the best thing about your job?
What I like most about my job is the diversity of challenges to overcome and the freedom of finding the best ways to operate.
Does legislation help or hinder development in the sector?
It depends. In a broad sense, the movement has been made towards unification of different systems and replacement of time-based (vignette) system. In its turn, it promotes the sectoral development and facilitates road users in their everyday activities since the number of differences and uncertainties is reduced. On the other hand, one could always point out that unification and regulation reduces diversity and development of different (alternative) technologies and flexibility of solutions.
What is the biggest challenge facing those with responsibility for tolling and road pricing in 2021?
Currently, the biggest challenge we face is the project preparation and implementation during the transition period from time-based (vignette) to distance-based system. In general, the technological aspect is of utmost importance as the systems are expensive and long-lasting. Meanwhile, there is a constant, fast change in technology. If a certain item, e. g. a smartphone used to be exotic 10 years ago, today it is part and parcel of our everyday life.
What’s your best piece of advice for those looking to implement road pricing or tolling solutions?
The best solution depends and should be adapted on the specific situation, the objectives, main players, the setting and other important factors. In this case, the best piece of advice would be to understand those factors and then to take the most suitable solutions.
How will the business of road-user charging have changed by 2030?
In my opinion, distance-based charging system will be the main source of the road infrastructure financing. It will be an overall system covering all types of vehicles and will be supported by smart integrated or mobile devices.
Why are you looking forward to speaking at Road User Charging Conference 2021?
The conference to me is one of the best places to exchange experience, ideas and techniques with colleagues from various countries facing similar challenges. It also gives the opportunity to look at things from another perspective and to find new insights and solutions.
At the conference you’ll also be able to hear from Continental, Dublin City Council Smart City Unit, National Road Safety Authority, Viapass… and more! You can view the full agenda here. All times are shown in CEST (GMT+1).
For partnership enquiries, please contact Robert Gouge at robert.gouge@akabomedia.co.uk or by calling +44 (0) 20 8065 0465. For speaking opportunities, please contact Claudia Davidson at claudia.davidson@akabomedia.co.uk or by calling +44 (0) 20 8037 1777.
Meet some of our other speakers at Road User Charging conference 2021…